GRATITUDE FEST | Knights and Brides

November 16, 2023


On a Good Deeds Day, everyone makes pleasant surprises for family and friends to thank them for their love and loyalty. Get your dose of warmth and thanks at the Gratitude Fest!

⏰ This is a temporary adventure, available until November 22, 23:59 PST.


• It’s the first week of the new Adventure Book!

• Get a Coin of Autumn for finishing the quests.

• Thanksgiving-themed goodies are available on the market.

• You can make a colony in the Magic Duels now.


Valley of Thanks is open! Travel there after completing the tasks at the Gratitude Fest.

Changes: new colors of the rewards, no watercolor.


Read the update mail and place the Homely House on your land. Travel to the Gratitude Fest to get Homely Feeling needed to upgrade the house!

Complete the tasks on the islands and get Gratitude. Use them to upgrade the Cozy Table and take it home!

🔍 In this land, you should follow the Adventurer Coin tasks.

You’ll need some Cranberry Sauce for this adventure. Get it from Cranberry Barrels. Make Confession Letters in the Local Workshop.


Go to the left to find the Turkey. He and his friends want to make a gift for Phoebe. Capture Nature’s Energy with the help of a Confession Letter. Then, grow an Autumn Tree.


From the starting island, go up. There you’ll find Cadet Candy thinking about a gift for Bellatrix, the love of his life. Talk to the Happy Customers to get their confessions. Ask the main Happy Customer, then turn Stacked Confessions into the Book of Confessions. Put the Book of Confessions next to Bellatrix to gift it (ask Bellatrix to accept it).


Meet with Lili the Herbalist on the central island. Make Maple Leaves in the Autumn Workshop to remove the Weeds and turn the Heaps of Scrap Metal into Autumn Plants. Put the Autumn Plants next to Lili the Herbalist (ask her to check the result). 


Find Cream Cat on the upper island. He wants to thank Honey Cat for playing with him. Cream Cat will make Soft Love for you. Use it to defeat the Mechanical Cats and cheer the Favorite Toys.

👨‍🎨 MUSE

On the farthest island to the left, Chisello plans to thank his muse for always inspiring him. Make a Pumpkin Pie in the Yummy Workshop. Restore the Muse’s Portrait Fragments and place them correctly (ask Chisello to check).

Now, as you have enough Gratitude for the Cozy Table, you can take it home! Continue completing the Adventurer Coin tasks to get Homely Feeling for the Homely House. 

And don’t forget about the quiz! 😉


Get extra rewards for taking part in the quiz! Read the notes carefully when exploring to get the answers.

Each question has a price in Q-signs. If you run out of Q-signs at the Gratitude Fest, more can be found in Riddle Cubes in Summer Tower.

Don’t rush to unlock questions. You have only 10 minutes to give an answer.

🔍 If you need help, use the lifelines: 50/50, extra time, or next question. The lifelines cost Promptium which is found underground and can be extracted by a geologist.

Homely House. Pretty little place! Would you like to live in a house like this? 😉

Rotate it to make it snowy!

Find it in the mail, complete all Adventurer Coin tasks to get Homely Feelings needed to upgrade it! Do you like it?

Homely House | Knights and Brides

Here’s the snowy version. 🥰

Homely House | Knights and Brides

Cozy Table. A beautiful table to eat together with your friends and family. Generates gifts every 24 hours, 10 times in total. 🥰

Cozy Table | Knights and Brides

Repeat land – “VALLEY OF THANKS” 🥰

Cornucopia | Knights and Brides