January 25, 2024
🛒 26 – 28 January – Buy Emeralds and get +350% FREE 🔥
Head to Brightville and help Edmund prepare a surprise for his niece!
⏳ Is a temporary location near your home station that will close on February 7, 23:59 PST.
📜 Please follow the QUESTS, they will guide you. 📜
The location has 2 levels: Brightville and Brightville Station.
💡 Each level has 1 major goal:
- Light all Fireworks. Collect Firework Parts in Brightville and use them to light the Fireworks.
- Switch all Levers to fix the Power Station. Find and switch 4 Levers at the Brightville Station and build the Power Station.
Brightville Station has 📜 TASKS 📜 - Build a Ticket Office.
- Feed the Foxes.
- Repair Bird Feeders. 💡 Once built, each feeder will turn into a roulette. You can spin it every 5 hours.
- Inspect Freight Railcars.
There will be 960 more Sparkling Crystals in this update. You’ll need them to upgrade Moonflower festive buildings.
You will get another festive building for 70% clearing of Brightville.
Collect Candy Drops from Boxes of Sweets in Brightville and swap them for useful items at the Cat Shop!
🍬 A Candy Fountain in Brightville generates 2 Boxes of Sweets every hour. One Box of Sweets contains 25 Candy Drops. A maximum of 4 Boxes of Sweets can be in the location at a time.
✨ 3 Soda Machines in Brightville have a roulette inside! You can spin them every 5 hours.
✨ Pony the Titan will turn into a roulette after you dress him up. You can spin it every 5 hours.
✨ 4 Bird Feeders at the Brightville Station will turn into roulettes after you build them (see TASKS). You can spin them every 5 hours.
Complete the storyline and get a Birthday Cake multibox! 🎂 It gives rewards 10 times and leaves an animated decoration.
Clearing rewards
🦄 Brightville:
20% – gift box with useful items
50% – Straw Scarecrow multibox, it gives rewards 10 times and leaves an animated decoration.
70% – another Moonflower festive building.
100% – TITAN THE PONY! 🦄 This is a NEW Pony buff that speeds up resource production in your factories for 24 hours. You can feed Pony the Titan twice, so this buff can be activated 2 times.
🚉 Brightville Station:
50% – gift box with useful items
70% – Princess House with useful crafts inside!
100% – Candy Fountain ROULETTE! 🤩
Source of information on Maps: klondikefans